Sunday, May 22, 2011

Market Day

 Sundays and Thursdays are market day while we're in Paris.
That's when we go to the Marché Richard-Lenoir. 
We've bought cheese, lemons, tomatoes, pears and garlic and Bill is just buying a head of lettuce when I notice this woman and her lovely bouquet of radishes.
This is our third week in Paris and this will be the third half a roast chicken we have bought from this man. We know this bird is going to taste good.
 We love this baker. Their olive baguettes are to die! We bought one last week and it was almost gone by the time we got home. So this morning we bought two.
Bill noticed this stall selling pommes dauphinoise (potatoes baked with garlic, cheese and milk). He drew them to my attention the way he might show me a work of fine art. I said, "Let's get some for dinner tonight."
 Bill agreed immediately.
And off we went back home.
I often walk behind Bill because he always knows where we are going and I almost never do. We're almost home. We're on Rue du pas de la Mule and that's a blur of the Place des Vosges in the distance.
 We're home. Look at these delicious potatoes.
Here's a portrait of the olive bread. Bill and I slit one of these open filled it with slices of Raclette cheese and wolfed it down before setting out for the Guimet Museum.
One last picture before we hit the road. Strawberries are seriously in season. We'll have these with yogurt. OK. Museum time!

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